
Promoting Sustainable Biodiversity Solutions

From October 21 to November 1, Campo Capital participated in COP16 Colombia  at the Green Zone in Cali, reaffirming our commitment to advancing sustainable conservation solutions. This year, we showcased groundbreaking projects in blue carbon credit markets in Timbiquí, Cauca, as well as biodiversity credit initiatives in Pinchote, Santander, and  Zanzibar, Africa.

At the Campo Capital Focus Conference: Conservation and Biodiversity Solutions from the Colombian Pacific to Zanzibar Island, and at our booth CON-05 in the Conservation and Restoration District, we highlighted the impact of these projects. In  Timbiquí, we focus on carbon sequestration through mangroves, which play a dual role in climate change mitigation and the protection of vital regional ecosystems. In Pinchote  and  Zanzibar, our biodiversity credit projects aim to conserve critical habitats, enhance ecological diversity, and foster local development.

We are honored to have engaged with global leaders, organizations, and investors eager to collaborate on building a more sustainable future, demonstrating how  Campo Capital  is working to protect biodiversity, empower communities, and restore essential ecosystems.

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