We manage agroforestry, forestry and environmental projects with an integrated approach, ensuring maximum value and performance through sustainable practices and recognized certifications.
Large-scale planting of timber trees aimed at the panel market. This is a greenfield forestry project operated by Campo Forestal, a company created by Campo Capital S.A.S. and the Chilean company Cambium S.A. since 2013.
10,000 hectares planted with eucalyptus. 3,053 hectares of protected forest. The project is financed by the Timberland Investment Management Organization – Global Forest Partners LLC, from the United States and has been FSC certified since 2016. Currently, 60% of the wood used in Colombia is illegal wood from our native forests. Responsible planting processes like this prevent the deforestation of Colombia’s native forests. Campo Capital participated in the financial, legal, and technical structuring of the project and currently operates it.
Setup and implementation of a 100-hectare agroforestry arrangement of native species and cacao for the production of fine aroma cacao.
An impact project located in the department of Santander in Colombia, which aims toColombia, which aims to develop a 400-hectare agroforestry system based on organic coffee and guamo, a native forest species.agroforestry system based on organic coffee and guamo, which is a native forest species.native forest species that serves as a shade and carbon sequestration tree.
The main objective of Café las Hortensias is to develop a sustainable agroforestry systemin which productivity can be maximized
Amazonía Nativa The project aims to establish 5,000 hectares of Amazonian native timber trees near the national natural parks “Serranía de Chiribiquete” and “Serranía La Lindosa” in the department of Guaviare in the Amazon. The project will plant native timber species such as Abarco, Achapo, and Mahogany in an area previously degraded and deforested for cattle ranching.
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