
Campo Capital: Innovating in Sustainable Agroforestry Investments in Colombia and Peru

Campo Capital is combining agricultural and forestry projects with carbon capture in a portfolio in Colombia and Peru. Recognized by the Colombian government as a growth-stage company contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Campo Capital leads the Sustainable Agroforestry in the Orinoquia (OAS) project, covering 7,500 hectares. The project aims to improve the living conditions of local communities, reforest with native species, and develop the regional economy through products like cocoa.

In 2022, Campo Capital was awarded the Boutique Investment Manager of the Year – Americas by Environmental Finance, highlighting its leadership in sustainable investments in the region.

Supported by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), OAS is expected to generate at least 3.65 million verified carbon units (VCU) with an IRR of 12.41%. Campo Capital is seeking investors interested in carbon credits and agroforestry development, focusing on linking financial resources with Colombian farmers. To date, its projects have created jobs for more than 200 people in remote areas of Colombia and Peru.

Read the full article: Boutique investment manager of the year – Americas: Campo Capital Colombia

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